Out of Order James Kaleda

Freedom and Firearms

No one is coming to take your guns


No one is coming to take your guns

I frequently hear the gun bigots say

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“No one is coming to take your guns”

And it may be true that they imagine some kind of new gun control that doesn’t involve taking guns…. I doubt it but … maybe

“They” however are coming to take our guns.

How do we do know? Well they admit it …. not as often as they lie that they don’t want to take our guns but from time to time they let the truth slip out

Here are some examples:

Here’s Loretta Wienberg a NJ politician saying we need a law to confiscate, confiscate, confiscate

And here is Diane Fienstien saying if she could have gotten a law passed requiring everyone to turn in their fireamrs she would have

We have a retired supreme court justice openly advocating for the repeal of the 2nd amendment, a sentament that was echoed by usa today  and the Miami herald 

There is even a website called Ban Handguns now 

This guy from the New Republic wants to ban “all guns”